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Truffle Tofu Scramble

truffle scramble.jpg


  • 200g firm tofu

  • 60g Truffi Cheez by Kroodi

  • pinch of turmeric

  • 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast

  • ½  powdered kala namak, black salt

  • 2 tablespoon plant based milk (almond, cashew nuts , oat)

  • truffle olive oil

Please watch my video below to see my preparing Truffle Scrambled Tofu





  1. Mix all the spices with milk, it should have eggy aroma and yellow (yolk) colour

  2. Break tofu into crumbles,  (rub between your fingers to break into small bits) and mix together with an eggy mixture

  3. Heat oil in a skillet over high heat.

  4. Add tofu mixture stirring occasionally.

  5. Throw in the small pieces of Truffi Cheez by Kroodi 

  6. Stir it , ensuring it's evenly mixed

  7. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container in the fridge

  8. Enjoy with toasted bread 

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